"Born to fight"

Saturday, 4 August 2007

Those eyes! Once looked up at me for hope, for the fruition of their dreams… And now, same old eyes… but helpless eyes! Staring at me (sympathetically)… watching the hollowness of my soul…

Those eyes! Sullen eyes!
Watching “the soul with the suit of hauteur”
Returned from the abattoir of dignity…
The one who is his own saboteur.

Me still brooding over my gone moments… still holding on the clutches of affliction! Gradually touching down the depths of darkness… fear started creeping up. Was I dying? Yes, I was… and all I could see, the blackness around me.

Fretting over the dead past…
Lost in the serifs of its love dossier.
Slipping into an abysmal chasm,
Screaming for help, but no one to hear.

Couldn’t even behold the trace of my conscience. Lost my true inner self… but I wanted to break free (wishful thinking). On the contrary! I was giving up… cessioning to the obscurity.

Striving for his individuality,
Annoyed with the flair of confutation.
Wanted to breach the strings of melancholy…
Wanted to leave the times behind, sated with humiliation.

And there comes ‘The Courage’ (my savior)… came closer… held my hand… to leave me for never!

There comes ‘The Bravura’
To hold him on the pathways of life.
Going to fight for his survival till the end,
Being his strength, in the spells of strife.

[If not for thyself… think of all the people who love you… let them show thee how beautiful this life is… so that one fine day, you’d be there to enlighten others who have surrendered to this darkness… Fight for those helpless souls… and make them realize how beautiful this life is!!...]

© Honey Digra


Friday, 6 July 2007

You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear

Well off lately, this is how I am being addressed by somebody… somebody who was so oblivious to my existence for years….. And before she could appreciate the verity of this God’s fact, she found herself at war with me….

Recently I was sent this video… a sign that somebody wished for a truce…..
And after watching this cute little angel Amy…

I am speechless
All I can say…. I miss ya’ so much Archie deeds….
Love ya’


(P.S.: Well this surely calls for a TRUCE... Cheers!!)


Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Long lost… in the welkin of my reveries. A succinct tryst was there to happen. Once and for all… there was an end to my incessant quest.

And my ecstasy knew no confines. Impure was I!... yet felt so pure.
Never felt so content, as it was now… in this eternal ‘now’ under the caress of my divinity.

Still, fazed I was! But my eyes could see beyond this mirage.
For how was I to behold this ‘now’ forever?
For sure, acquainted I was!
Desires leadth to apprehensions, apprehensions leadth to perdition,
giveth rise to nothing but affliction…

Still, my heart abides by no rules.

Ravished was my heart, again and again. Scathed am I! but true it is, I need thee. I need thee in my realm and I descried, our souls were dwelling unto incessance.

Still, fazed I was! But my eyes could see beyond this mirage.
For how was I to transcend this harmony forever?
For sure, acquainted I was!
Desires leadth to apprehensions, apprehensions leadth to perdition,
giveth rise to nothing but affliction…

As everything will pass…
As a reverie they befall, bequeath nothing but bad dreams.

(sigh)… Still my heart abides by no rules.

© Honey Digra

"Frangar non flectar"

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

So what if I am hunted by loneliness,

and melancholy is my ‘mere’ acquaintance.
I know, frazzled I am…
abandoned of all my persistence.

So what if I am…
mulcted of hearing ‘Honey, you can do it’.
Bereft of success,
and my way, only failures drift.

So what if these once danced eyes,
are deserted by its danseurs and this heart is congealed.
True, a shattered soul,
whose wounds shall never be healed.

So what!
For I know… I will stem the torrent,
of these serrated drops.
And you… be all ears to me.
Know one thing for sure,

I am broken, I am not deflected!

© Honey Digra

"How far??..."

Sunday, 14 January 2007

Run away, Honey!
For they are coming…
To immure you with the manacles of emotions.

Those shambles are not far yet,
Where thy soul will be tormented apart…
And step by step,
You will be reduced into thing,
But dust in their lives.

Don’t dare look back into those eyes…
For there lays a snare,
For you to be raveled in there…
Till you are done with your last breath.

Just run… for there is no place to lurk in.
So, run away! As far as you can…

(sigh)… but how far?

© Honey Digra

"Shalom Aleichem"

Thursday, 11 January 2007

There they go!...
Final exodus was there… of my unseen confrères. Thought these parched eyes will look on me in mercy, but no!... my fidus achates’ were nowhere to be seen. But how could I let them go? Wasn’t I supposed to stop them?

Still no word was spoken!
For I know… senile are these words.
Cloyed with infirmities…
And gradually, this unheard silence of mine,
Became nothing,
But a grave of my emotions!

Albeit, I was surviving... (wasn’t I?)
But that mysterious gravity of anonymity was alluring me, far from life where laughter was a sin, and crying was a misdemenour. But why? Why was I confined? Wasn’t I supposed to rebel against them?

Still no word was spoken!
For I know… senile are these words.
Cloyed with infirmities…
And gradually, this unheard silence of mine,
Became nothing,
But a grave of my emotions!

To every whit, I was broken,
But this invincible silence overwhelms me into nothing but a frigid soul.
And look at me… Here I am! Beyond all the sufferance and the mirth…

May my emotions resideth in peace… beneath the veil of my silence!

© Honey Digra