Concordia Discors (Discordant Harmony)

Thursday, 22 July 2010

My eyes are left deserted when confronted with pain,
All I can do is write my tears.
Makes me scared to see my life in vain,
All I can do is write my fears.

Wish to create an uproar against this injustice,
All I can do is write my silence.
Rioter in me wants to break free of my cowardice,
All I can do is write my violence.

Deep down laughing at my life’s irony,
All I can do is write my despair.
Ensconced in this discordant harmony,
All I can do is write this wishful prayer.

© Honey Digra


Anonymous said...

Painful. Just love the way you express your pain.

HD said...

And people call this 'creativity'. Wish they could know...

Tamanna said...

Simply expressed in the most beautiful words..I am feeling the same today.

Tamanna said...

Very well expressed. I am feeling similar today.